Timepage 2.10
Siri Shortcuts
We have added extensive support for Siri Shortcuts and there’s more to come. We currently have Shortcuts for the following:
- Countdown.
- Daily Brief - for today and tomorrow.
- Check Invitations - will list any invitations in need of reply.
- Today in history
Rich event notifications
- A constantly updating time to leave details along with a map, address details and quick access to directions all within the notification.
- Dynamic button actions such as snooze time options and access to links from your events’ notes directly in the notification.
Other improvements and fixes
Some great updates to the custom URL scheme, and there’s more to come - great for automating your workflows.
Fixed a bug that prevented ‘text replacement’ from working on the event creation screen.
Fixed an issue that prevented adding a location to an event when using particular types of calendar, plus some other location related bugs.
Fixed a range of reminder bugs.
Fixed an annoying bug that caused the app to freeze for some people. Thanks so much to all of you who reported this one!
Fixed an issue that broke the navigation/directions button for events created outside of Timepage.
Lots of other polish, tuning and general stability improvements.