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iOS 12


When you create a Siri Shortcut, you’ll assign a phrase to a particular action you want Siri to run. These actions are pre-set by the app, but you can choose to set any particular word or phrase. Once you activate Siri and run the phrase, Siri will run the command.


  1. Clipboard to Action Card - This runs in the background and is a great (and simple!) way of creating actions using the Shortcuts app. Simple text will be added as an action on the Schedule. Add actions to specific lists & dates using JSON instead
  2. Open List - Opens a list based on title and common open times
  3. Daily Brief - Shows a list of today’s scheduled and overdue tasks
  4. Completed today - Shows a list of Action Cards completed today


  1. Daily Briefing - Ask Siri to give you the Daily Brief information including a list of events and the weather report
  2. Review RSVPs - Causes the app to sync from the server and then let you know which events have unanswered invitations
  3. Countdown to - Ask Siri to show you the beautiful countdown information for any events that you want. You can add as many of these shortcuts as you want - unlike the widget that can only take one
  4. Historic event - Ask Siri to show you today’s historic event.