iOS 12
When you create a Siri Shortcut, you’ll assign a phrase to a particular action you want Siri to run. These actions are pre-set by the app, but you can choose to set any particular word or phrase. Once you activate Siri and run the phrase, Siri will run the command.
- Clipboard to Action Card - This runs in the background and is a great (and simple!) way of creating actions using the Shortcuts app. Simple text will be added as an action on the Schedule. Add actions to specific lists & dates using JSON instead
- Open List - Opens a list based on title and common open times
- Daily Brief - Shows a list of today’s scheduled and overdue tasks
- Completed today - Shows a list of Action Cards completed today
- Daily Briefing - Ask Siri to give you the Daily Brief information including a list of events and the weather report
- Review RSVPs - Causes the app to sync from the server and then let you know which events have unanswered invitations
- Countdown to - Ask Siri to show you the beautiful countdown information for any events that you want. You can add as many of these shortcuts as you want - unlike the widget that can only take one
- Historic event - Ask Siri to show you today’s historic event.